If you are having your procedure as a fixed price or all-inclusive package then the anaesthetic fee will already be included in your bill and there will be no additional charge.
If you are using private medical insurance to help pay for your treatment we charge a fee based on the OPCS code for the procedure. You should have been given this by your consultant orthe hospital. You will have been given more than one code if you are having multiple procedures at once.
You can look up our anaesthetic fee by entering your procedure code into the fee finder below.
Your insurance policy might not cover our anaesthetic fee in full and you may have to pay for any shortfall. You should contact your insurance company in advance to find out how much this is likely to be. For multiple procedures we charge 100% of the main code, 50% for a second code and in some cases 25% of a third code. If the procedure undertaken varies from the planned procedure, then the fee charged may also vary. Please contact us if you require a quote for our anaesthetic services.
After your procedure we will pass on your details to our billing company Medserv who will send an invoice to your insurers. If there remains any shortfall to be paid, Medserv will write to you directly with the details and how you should pay it.
Group Anaesthetic Services is a partnership which sets its own fees for anaesthetic procedures. We bill our patients according to the Voluntary Code of Practice for Billing Private Patients published by The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland. – 2008
If you have any questions about your anaesthetic or our fees, please contact us